Dental implants are a kind of "artificial tooth root" which are permanently introduced in the jawbone and thus enable a fixed replacement of lost teeth. Above all, implants are used in the supply of individual tooth gaps, fixed bridges and to stabilize prostheses.
Advantages of a permanently anchored dentures are high wearing comfort, improved purchase and improving aesthetics and quality of life.
Thanks to the computer-aided technology, the intervention can be carried out almost bleeding-free and it is possible for us to guarantee a safe and aesthetically sophisticated result.
In a thorough examination, the jawbone and the surrounding oral mucosa is judged with regard to the planned procedure. By X-ray images or other modern imaging methods such as DVT (digital volumetricomography), the quality of the bone is determined and the later position of the implant is determined.
The procedure can be carried out by a classic cut or "punching" of the mucous membrane.
After the implant has been introduced into the desired position in the jawbone, it can either be loaded immediately or is supplied after a certain healing phase.
If there is not enough bones for a stable implant anchoring, it may be necessary in some cases to perform additional bone-building methods.
The operational effort is individually different and is discussed in advance of the procedure in detail with you in the dentures Eppan.
As with all surgical procedures, the general practices must be observed.
Serious general diseases, metabolic disorders and nicotine consumption can lead to restrictions on the success of implantation.
It is important to us in close cooperation with your family doctor, before starting treatment, an optimal drug attitude, especially for anticoagulant therapy (blood thinning) or diabetes criminals.
Immediately after the operation, you can also positively influence the healing course.
Furthermore, a successful implant supply is essentially dependent on its domestic oral hygiene. In addition, regular control dates and professional tooth cleaning are crucial for long-term success.
In this regard, you will gladly advise our competent team in detail.
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