And how can we support you?

After breakthrough of the first milk tooth!
This means the first date is usually between 6 to 8 months. The second appointment should be done after the breakthrough of the first milk baking teeth and the third control date after the milk bite is complete.
Thereafter, depending on the situation and oral hygiene status, quarter to half-year checks are advisable.
Prevention is better than cure!

Above all, the goal of the first dental control dates is that your child gets to know the dental environment with curiosity and makes anxiety experiences. This contributes significantly to developing a future trusting relationship with the dentist. Trust is the basis for a successful treatment of children.
In addition, in our dental center, you will receive all the important information and tips on prophylaxis measures in childhood.
We are happy to answer you all the questions about the right pacifier, handling of nursery brushes, give you tips for dental diet as well as to the use of fluorides.

Gentles are very common injuries in children and may occur everywhere. Mostly, above all, the upper incisors are affected. Accident cause are mostly fall in the playground at school or sports.
Each governer should be reported immediately to the dentist!
Treatment to the dentist should be done within 60 minutes!
If a tooth is loosened by the accident or has an extended effect, nothing should be manipulated on the tooth but quickly a dental practice are being visited. The same applies if the tooth has shortened.
If a tooth has dropped completely, you should search and take the tooth if possible. The tooth may only be touched on the tooth crown and not at the tooth root, as they are almost completely covered with living cells. Even if the tooth is dirty, it must under no circumstances be cleaned or disinfected.
For safe transport, the tooth is best placed in a special nutrient medium, e.g. into the teeth-retention box "dentosafe", which can be purchased in drugstores or pharmacies.
If necessary, the tooth can be stored in the mouth. Also, milk is too short temporary storage.
Less suitable are water, disinfectant solutions or alcohol.
Never should paper be used for wrapping!
For open wounds, a wound-style ramping (TETANUS) vaccine may be necessary. Family doctor questions! Strong bleeding by pressing a stuff cloth or bandage stop.

If your child requires a dental treatment, then you should strive to transfer your own fears to the child. One should avoid doing false promises, such as: "It will only look." In fact, however, treatment could be necessary.
It is better to say: "The dentist shows and explains everything; he helps you so that your teeth will be healthy". It is also not advisable to threaten with the dentist visit; In addition, announcements of larger gifts for good cooperation with the dentist are not adapted that the child learns to classify the visit to the dentist than normal and of course.
By contrast, it should not be saved with praise and recognizing words.
Our goal is to create a child-friendly and fearful situation for our little patients. For this purpose, it is helpful to use special child-friendly terms such as "tahndough" instead of drilling or "magic drops" instead of syringe.
As a parent, you can support us by talking at home not talking about the dentist visit.

Do you still have unanswered questions?

Please send us your burning question on this topic and we will help you to get the overview again.

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Vereinbaren Sie noch heute Ihre Terminvorauswahl

Unsere Praxis bietet zahnärztliche Leistungen auf hohem Niveau.
Daher bitten wir Sie heute noch eine Termin-Vorauswahl zu treffen und wir kontaktieren Sie anschließend mit konkreten Vorschlägen.

Ihre Terminvorauswahl (Schritt 1/3)

* Pflichtfeld


Unsere Dienstleistungen

Die unsichtbare  Zahnspange

Die unsichtbare Zahnspange

Wir bieten maßgefertigte Schienen für eine schnelle Korrektur einfacher Zahnfehlstellungen.

Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde

Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde

Schöne, weiße Zähne werden als attraktiv und gesund wahrgenommen und verleihen Ihnen eine jugendliche und positive Ausstrahlung.



Langjährige Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Implantologie verbunden mit moderner 3D-Röntgentechnik machen uns zum Experten rund um den Zahnersatz.



Die Vorsorge oder Prävention steht für uns an erster Stelle. Wir bieten professionelle Zahnreinigung, um eine dauerhafte Mundgesundheit zu erreichen.

Schiene gegen Schnarchen

Schiene gegen Schnarchen

Wirksame Behandlung gegen Schnarchen und Schlafapnoe mittels der bewährte TAP®-Schiene.

Feste Zähne an‏‏‎ einem‏‏‎ Tag

Feste Zähne an‏‏‎ einem‏‏‎ Tag

Mit der All-on-4-Methode zu fest sitzenden Zähnen. Mit Aufbau der Basis durch Implantate zur fest verschraubten Brücke.

Füllungen, Schienen und Prothesen

Füllungen, Schienen und Prothesen

Wir verarbeiten metallfreie Füllungen, passen Schienen gegen nächtliches Zähneknirschen an oder fertigen passende Zahnprothesen und mehr.

Metallfreie Kronen & Brücken

Metallfreie Kronen & Brücken

Behebung größerer Zahndefekte mit Inlays und Kronen unter Verwendung hochwertiger metallfreier Materialien.



Im Zahnzentrum Eppan verfügen wir über modernste Röntgentechnik, um die Befundgenauigkeit noch zu verbessern.

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